Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Finger of God

Let me just say my "Leave Eric Alone" worked. Now I should do a "Leave Hellon Alone". I think what started off innocently may have grown a life of its own. Hellon is a man of God, at least I know he was when I used to be in DMF. Hana ubaya. Lakini, I think he has exposed himself negatively by being too permissive. Even the Bible says, "Everything is permissible, but not everything is beneficial". He is surrounded by people with issues, and if you give people with issues airtime they will cling onto you. Us guys did it time for DMF. We ran away from our problems and came to reflect them in ministry. We spent our days casting out demons from each other over and over. We liked to experience new things like blowing the Holy Spirit onto someone and having them fall. And we liked to be the ones to fall and speak in tongues as well. It took me a good number of years to establish that I didn't need anyone to lay hands on me or prophecy and tell me whom I was going to be married to.

It took me several more years to discover that indeed God could set you free without all the drama. In your bedroom, without anyone ever laying hands on you, or you screaming and frothing in the mouth. It took spiritual maturity for me to be able to connect with God BY MYSELF. ON MY OWN.

See, WE are Hellon's problem. We fill his hallways, and are happy when he moves to a bigger house because then we can camp there and 'receive' from 'him' day and night. And we become addicted to Hellon and we decide that we shall not move until Hellon speaks into our lives. WE are the cult. WE are the idol-worshippers. WE worship Hellon, and not the God of Hellon. And then we bring our friends. Our friends with their issues, all come to seek Hellon. And then we multiply. And very soon, we attract some celebs. And then we hit the headlines. And then Hellon becomes a cult leader.

See if this really was a true, premeditated cult.. surely we would have caught on. Its been 10 YEARS. Love team started in 2000. Finger of God started in 2001. Its only spiralling now because Esther Arunga got caught up in the madness. I absolutely see her quitting her job and telling off her mom. And I completely see her calling her recently-wed friend to tell her "God says you should leave your husband". We did that all the time. I remember coughing out a few 'prophecies' in my time. I blame it on the adrenaline. I blame it on my spiritual childishness. I wanted to have what Hellon had. I wanted the power. I wanted people to ask ME what God had to say about them. Ask ME! Ask me, like you ask Hellon. Come to ME. It was all about ME!

Hellon let us get away with our childish spiritual antics. He never castigated us. And when he rebuked us, he did it with love. He became like a father to us, most of us who came from fatherless homes. He said we would learn over time, how to listen to and speak out God's word. I remember him clearly teaching us that where the Spirit of God is, there is order. So he didn't say, "Go ye into the world, and move out of your homes and into mine, and leave your families, and tell people they will surely die, and be ye married to this man that you do not know". He didn't have to. We were DIY.

And I think it is that empathy with 'baby' Christians that has got him in this mess. Through my lenses, he allowed them to get too close. He really is only human. If you keep coming to me for solutions, at some point, the demand will supercede the supply, and I will tell you what I think you want to hear.

But that's just me. For his sake, I hope this boils over.

And just because you are wondering;

Exodus Chapter 8

The Plague of Gnats

16 Then the LORD said to Moses, "Tell Aaron, 'Stretch out your staff and strike the dust of the ground,' and throughout the land of Egypt the dust will become gnats." 17 They did this, and when Aaron stretched out his hand with the staff and struck the dust of the ground, gnats came upon men and animals. All the dust throughout the land of Egypt became gnats. 18 But when the magicians tried to produce gnats by their secret arts, they could not. And the gnats were on men and animals.

19 The magicians said to Pharaoh, "This is the finger of God." But Pharaoh's heart was hard and he would not listen, just as the LORD had said.

1 comment:

  1. "It took me several more years to discover that indeed God could set you free without all the drama. In your bedroom, without anyone ever laying hands on you, or you screaming and frothing in the mouth. It took spiritual maturity for me to be able to connect with God BY MYSELF. ON MY OWN."

    You've spoken straight from my own heart... I look back at those days and feel an utterly confused child hidden inside me. But it's part of growth, and everyone has their own path. This is Hellon's & Esther's path.
