I've been thinking today about things that make me go grrrrrr!! And I wonder if it's God's way of testing my patience, but why on earth am I surrounded by grrrrr things and people??? Maybe it's the nailbrush my brother and I pinched from the supermarket at Valley Arcade when we were tots. I always knew that incident would come back to bite me in the bum.
1. The cops on the Bunyala Rd, roundabout. VERY BIG GRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!! How does it take someone 1 hour and 20 mins to come down the hill from Upperhill to Nakumatt Mega. Or an hour to make it from Baricho Rd, to the Bunyala Road roundabout. And the comeback is always that they are trying to clear town, or clear Mombasa Rd, but seriously, if it was working, then I would be able to access my house in South C, without having to once again sit in half an hour of traffic because everyone is trying to get away from Mombasa Road. I mean seriously, Bunyala Road cops, seriously, cars can join Uhuru Highway from Aerodrome Road express. My husband taught me that if you have a right-angled triangle (such as is Nyayo Stadium) it is faster to go through the hypotenuse than it is walking round the right-angle. Granted I had no clue what he was on about, but it can't be faster to go down to the Nyayo Stadium roundabout and then access Bunyala Roundabout, than it is to go through Aerodrome Road. Seriously.
2. Single moms who won't give up their lifestyles for the sake of the children. Now I'm not saying that you should die when you have a baby, and not rave, or treat yourself to a weekend in Mombasa, but for crying out loud, it is not right for your toddler to be eating Ugali and Sausages for dinner, and to not have a snack for break time the next day, when you are hosting parties every weekend, complete with booze enough to float the Likoni ferry (okay, it doesn't take much to float the ferry I know). WHERE ARE YOUR PRIORITIES???? Don't come asking me for 200bob to buy crisps and juice for your child, and then spend 50bob of it on Chocobomb! What on earth?? And then you are going to attempt to call your babydaddy and take him on a guilt trip which brings me to point no...
3. Single moms who cling film their baby daddies and expect fresh water to come out of the Dead Sea. Hear hear. The man has never WILLINGLY done anything for the child since they found out you were pregnant. You've had to beg, grovel, threaten, flirt, plead, be nice, reunite.... to get him THAT ONE TIME to bring a bag of diapers. Even then he has stated that he is "working things out" or "doesn't have a regular income" or "is doing the best he can" or the classic "isn't sure he is ready to be a father". You probably should have though about that before the sex no? Which brings me to no...
4. Women who when already pregnant strongly believe its THEIR body, and I have a right to choose whether or not to keep this baby. No lady, you HAD a right to choose. You chose to have sex, unprotected sex. As soon as God CHOSE to bless you with a child, you lady, lost the right to CHOOSE whether to have it. It's no longer just your body you are making 'choices' for, there is another human being who deserves to make his own choice as well. He just doesn't have a voice. I wonder if barren women CHOOSE not to have productive wombs. I just wonder...
5. Back to my not-so-serious grrrrrs... The guards at Landmark Plaza. "Madam unaenda kuona nani?" I'm going to my gynaecologist, do you want to know why as well? Msscheeew. "Enda parking ya 1st floor". Ari wharr? When I get to the "1st floor" parking, the next askari AGAIN, asks me where I'm going?? Eh? Dude refer to guard no. 1 at the gate. Then the best comes when I'm leaving. "Madam, hii siyo njia ya kutoka. Reverse tu mpaka kule juu halafu uzunguke hivi round. DUDE I'M ALREADY AT THE GATE, ALL YOU NEED TO DO IS LET ME LEAVE. "Imeandikwa wapi njia ya kutoka??? Unangojea mpaka nifike hapa ndio unirudishe?" I snort back. Needless to say, I reversed back for about 100 metres and came back to the SAME GATE that only a minute ago I was a metre away from. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!
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