Ever wondered why it's so easy for one to conceive BEFORE they get married, but how it becomes rocket science AFTER you get married?
I have.
Only today actually, I thought long and hard about it. These thoughts disrupted my usual morning routine of snoozing and shower singing. I really thought about it. But why Alejandro, you may ask? Well, of late, I've realized that my relatives on both sides have started addressing my tummy. Talk of tummy contact! I have deliberately stopped talking about Nia's terrible threes because of the line that follows soon after "You know if you have another one, she'll straighten out". Then I reason, what happens when this "other one" hits two or three? How many other ones do I need to have to fix the previous ones?
I digress.
Anyway, so I started toying with the idea of having "another one". I sure ain't getting younger and if I'm to accomplish my dear husband's KPIs for childmaking, then I best get started no? So seeing as google is my friend, I googled "myths on conception" and WHOA!!!! What??? I wasn't prepared for how IMPOSSIBLE it is to have a baby when you actually WANT to have a baby.
Let's sample some of the myths I found off of gettingpregnant.co.uk;
Sex is sex - we don't have to change anything Not true. While the basics of sex will remain the same when you're trying to conceive, you could make some minor adjustments. Don't have oral sex or use regular lubrication, since saliva and lubricant can kill sperm. SERIOUSLY??? There is such a thing as sperm killer? Like the terminator of sperm?? I could swear before I got married, that the very thought of having sex could get me pregnant. Now I would even need to choose what sex I have.
Certain positions are better for conception Most of the time some ejaculate will fall out, no matter what position during intercourse. However, your cervical mucus when you are ovulating becomes a special texture - one to hold in sperm so chances of conception are greater. Therefore, you don't need a special position to keep the sperm in. However, sperm deposited closest to the cervix will have the best chance of fertilizing the egg, so using positions that allow for deep penetration won't hurt and neither will tilting your pelvis upward. Okay, so I ABSOLUTELY remember in high school, the True Love Waits folk taught us that if you so much as shared a towel with a boy, you would get pregnant. There was a story of a virgin girl that got pregnant with her brother's baby because of using his towel. TRUE STORY! Well that's what they said. So what is this about pelvic positions and keeping sperm in again??
Hot tubs, briefs, and douching: all no-no's As far as hot tubs are concerned, high temperatures kill sperm, so avoid them as well as steam rooms and saunas if you want to get pregnant. Here we go again with the Sperm Terminators! The movies lied. Unbelievable. So besides all the other things, if you want to get pregnant, really, you need optimal temperature conditions as well. Who would have thought Mombasa in the 'summer' was not a good place for babymaking? Hmm...
I just think it's AMAZING how before I got married, I thought looking at a man would get me pregnant, and now after, when it's okay to be pregnant, I need Dumu Zas conditions to make a baby. How warped is that?? It's really sad to hear stories from friends of their struggle to conceive in marriage, while some 21 year old somewhere conceives multiple times without really 'wanting' to and has abortions. Quite sad.
As always, just thinking.
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