But With God!
There seems to be a group of Christians that make God comparable to Aromat! An instant solution provider for all your needs, problems, everything! They make it look like that "Yes" to a life with Christ will suddenly make everything better, sweeter, nicer. "Just give your life to Jesus", they say. "Pray about it", they urge. "Talk to God about it", they insist, "You will be JUST fine!" And please don't get me wrong, I am signed, sealed and delivered by Christ and my very existence here on earth, I've realised, is to do God's work, God's way. And I find great joy in my salvation.
I'm also very real. Saved by grace and relying on His mercy every day.
Depression is stupid! But with God... How people judged a young church girl who committed suicide some weeks back. Almost like they couldn't tie together how someone can be saved and serving in ministry and then CHOOSE to end her own life. "How was her walk with Christ?" they ask. "Has she been in a bible study?" they press. "It's important to pray about these things" they say. They speak completely oblivious to the torment and the pain that people with mental illnesses and those related to them go through each and every day. Think of the worst day you've had ever. Now make that every day. Now make those days endless. Now judge.
"She's pregnant???? I thought she was saved??!!!" they question. As if salvation keeps your feet from walking into that bedroom and taking your clothes off. Or the reverse. "Dear Jesus, please don't let me get pregnant! Pleeeeease don't let me get pregnant!" Turning the Most High into some form of morning after pill. I put it to you, that sometimes it will take your head to dull out the lies from you heart and shout to your feet to walk away from a bad situation. God is not Aromat. You can't just sprinkle him last minute onto your toxic relationship. I assure you. I know. Most of the time, it will be a decision YOU will make to walk away. And yes, you can pray about it, but far be it from you, that you imagine the cherubs and seraphs will be sent to pull you away from that affair. Use your legs. Walk away.
I remember when, after a long hiatus, in 2007, I began once again to live a life worthy of the calling I received. The one thing I can never forget is how I had debts from hell to high heaven. I owed everyone!! I even owed my nanny money! That was the year I stopped taking calls. Because it was always going to be someone from the bank, or a friend asking when I'd pay. And I had a job then, go figure. Was living ten time above my means and very flashy about it. But didn't even have the peace to sleep soundly. I remember when I finally made the turnaround, making endless prayers to God about my debts and hoping, just like in the bible, that my creditors would find it in their hearts to cancel them. My favourite hymn at the time being "Jesus paid it all, all to Him I owe..." To Him. Not to the bank.
Debts will kill you, but with God..... No. Take it from me. They only go away when you pay them off. No Aromat solutions here! I remember sitting down with my then boyfriend, now husband (bless his heart) and writing down the list of everyone I owed. The first list was a serious edit. I was still trying to impress the guy. But by the time I got to the 4th revision, he knew I was in trouble. Needless to say a year later, I was debt free. More thanks to him and of course to God through whom all blessings flow.
There are no Aromat type solutions with God. Yes, He will help you, guide you, give you wisdom. But He is not a magician. In your walk with Christ, you're going to have to learn to use your head and your feet whenever you get into trouble. You might need to walk home instead of to the bar. Don't land in the bar and ask the Lord to lift you out... kama yeye ni Mungu! You will need to burn that porn yourself. You probably will want to call back that guy and tell him you changed your mind and don't want him to come over to your place.
But with God... walk away.
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