Thursday, February 18, 2010

Happy Go Lucky

I love photography. I love looking at my excellent shots, and I especially love when my clients are happy with their work.

I hate meeting with clients. I hate being taken advantage of. I hate it when people think I am worth less than what I'm charging them, and when they try to negotiate or cut shortcuts with my packages. I hate the feeling afterward when I've agreed to do a job for much less than its worth. I hate that I'm not as good a business woman as I am a photographer.

But I love Ed. No, not my car. I love my car Ed as well. But this other Ed is my latest client. He gets married in April, and I met him yesterday. I went shivering because I had been briefed about this fast-thinking, heated-discussing, marketing man. I wished I had an alter ego that checked in whenever I was meeting a client. But then Ed was different. He knew what he wanted and he went for it. He allowed me room to think and didn't try to negotiate. Its probably partly because he can afford it, but it's mostly because he assents to the fact that I am a good photographer. At the end of the discussion, I carried with me a 5-figure cheque that is the deposit for the work I will do in April. And because of that, I intend to do a DARN GOOD JOB. I intend to make sure that Ed is very happy with my work.

I'm always happy when a would-be client disses me for another photographer, and when I look at their pictures I see why. I'm always very ticked off when a would-be client who is trying to skrimp on their photography budget decides to go with another photographer and the end result is terrible pictures that they have to live with for the rest of their lives. You've got to understand, that especially for a wedding, and if you live in the real world where you won't have 10 of them, those photographs is what you will show to your children and the generations after them.

Perhaps dark photos with absolutely no attention to composition are your style. Or you have a "M-bahatisho" photographer that just barely got your photos to you. Thats fine with me. But I'd rather you had no chicken on the menu, no seat-covers and tie-backs, and most definitely trade in Kayamba Whatever for a wonderful album with good photographs in it.

Call me.

1 comment:

  1. Girl, I know I tried to bargain.... SORRY!!

    During the planning process, so many people criticized my choice of photographer (you) saying you were too expensive... could get the work done for less... I put my foot down and said no. Because apart from my husbandthe photos were the most important aspect of the wedding to me and I was really prepared to pay for the best that I could.

    I have a friend who has no photos and had to use the video to capture some. Sad.

    Photos. Priceless!!!
